Sunday, April 18, 2010

Talapia Fish Tacos with Chipotle Lime Dressing and Spanish rice...NAILED IT!!!!

So I made my first meal of this wild ride! I was suppose to do this on Friday but my wonderful mother made a mini Thanksgiving feast so I let her have her moment in the spotlight. Anywho, I decided to make fish tacos for my parents and they were very very tasty. I am very proud of myself :) We all know that things don't always go perfect and this meal didn't go 100% but it was damn close. I now know that I will cut up anything that needs to be grilled after grilling it, I will never zest anything ever again BECAUSE that frisky little zester likes my fingers way too much, and (I actually knew this) I will wear gloves whenever dealing with peppers. Yay for me and not burning the house down! Ok so here is the recipe I used for dinner tonight. Thanks!! Well nevermind...haha ALEX I'm retarded and can't figure out how to work this blog! I will get better.